A sample text widget Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa. Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna. | President Obama announced the Dreamer Deferred Action initiative (DACA) in June of this year. The actual program began accepting applications on August 15, 2012. However, many eligible individuals have been holding back from applying until after the Presidential election. This hesitation to apply was (perhaps) well founded as Mitt Romney indicated on multiple occasions that … Continue reading “President Obama Reelected – Apply for DACA Now?” Governor Cuomo has announced that New York State will make a concerted effort to protect its residents from immigration fraudsters who are expected to emerge with the new Dreamers Deferred Action program. As has been discussed previously on this website, Dreamer Deferred Action will allow qualifying individuals to obtain immigration status and work authorization. Many … Continue reading “New York State To Combat Immigration Consultant Fraudsters” Today, the President took action to alleviate the immigration stalemate within Congress. Using the same authority through which many Presidents have granted temporary protected status, the President set out certain rules that will allow qualifying individuals to gain protection from deportation (and work authorization) for two years at a time. Although the exact details of … Continue reading “Deferred Action for Dreamers” Republican Presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney recently announced that he would veto Dream act Legislation if he is elected president. The Dream Act, as many know, would allow young immigrants who came to the United States as minors to gain a path to lawful residency if they complete certain requirements (i.e. graduate from college, join the … Continue reading “Frontrunner Romney Goes Rigid On Immigration…but for how long?” Another comprehensive immigration reform bill was introduced into Congress. The bill includes many different facets, including components of the DREAM Act, the AgJobs, and many enforcement provisions. Unlikely to go forward, it provides insight into the current thinking of Congressional leaders. If any immigration reform occurs this Congress, expect small, specific reforms. The bill is … Continue reading “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act Introduced (Again)” Following its defeat last December, the DREAM Act has been reintroduced into the Senate. The bill was re-introduced by Senators Richard Durbin, Harry Reid, and Robert Menendez. The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act would allow many undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as minor children to secure a path … Continue reading “Dream Act Reintroduced” A high school valedictorian from New Jersey faces the likelihood of deportation from the United States. Afterward, the valedictorian will likely be barred from entering the United States for ten years. The valedictorian aspired to be a NASA scientist, but because he entered the United States as a minor and without authorization, unless something dramatic … Continue reading “High School Valedictorian, Would-be NASA Scientist Faces Deportation” On Saturday, the DREAM Act died a procedural death in the Senate. It appears that a majority of the Senators supported the Dream Act. However, before a bill can be put to a proper vote, it is a procedural requirement that it pass a cloture vote. A cloture vote requires three/fifths of voting Senators to … Continue reading “DREAM Act Dies a Procedural Death” Last week, the United States Congress took up voting on the DREAM Act. What is the DREAM Act? If you are reading this then you probably already know. For supporters of the DREAM Act, last week was a victory. However, the victory is not complete and without further action last week’s victory will be for … Continue reading “Dream Act Update: Half way Home” The U.S. Congressional Budget Office has released a report that the DREAM Act would increase U.S. Government Revenues by $2.3 billion. The report examines the most recent DREAM Act legislation that was introduced by Senator Reid on November 30th. To read the complete report, please see it on the Congressional Budget Office website. Whether the DREAM Act becomes law will be decided within the next week (or so). The vote is going to be close. Senator Reid (D-NV) filed a new version of the DREAM Act (S. 3992) in hopes of increasing the likelihood that the Act will pass. The new version of the DREAM Act is more … Continue reading “Who Qualifies for the DREAM Act?” There has been much buzz lately about whether or not the DREAM Act will pass through Congress during the next month. With all of the debate, many are asking for the first time, What is the DREAM Act? The short answer is that it is legislation that will provide immigration status to undocumented immigrants who … Continue reading “What is the Dream Act?” |