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Governorator Says Go For It on Immigration Reform

Governor Schwarzenegger recently sat down for an interview on Fox News. During part of a long discussion on many topics, the Governorator said that there was never a good time for immigration reform and that continuously delaying the debate on immigration reform will not produce the outcomes that are desired. The Governorator sees the need …

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Immigration Gets Mention in State of the Union

I watched the State of the Union last week – and I didn’t hear any mention of immigration. But apparently there was a mention of immigration during the State of the Union. But that was all there was – a passing mention. In the hour plus speech, President Obama only mentioned immigration (and comprehensive immigration …

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New Report Shows Economic Benefits of CIR

Dr. Raúl Hinojosa-Ojeda of the University of California-Los Angeles recently released the report, Raising the Floor for American Workers: The Economic Benefits of Comprehensive Immigration Reform. The report concludes that America would stand to gain at least $1.5 trillion in added Gross Domestic Product over ten years. Additionally, the report states that comprehensive immigration reform …

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Silicon Valley to Congress: We Need Startup Visa

by Alison

More an idea than a location, Silicon Valley is a culture of risk and reward – go hard, go fast, go for broke. If you succeed, you reap the rewards – if you falter, you start anew with a different idea. This mindset is capitalism at its best and has garnered America …

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NYC Mayor Bloomberg To Support Immigration Reform

On New Year’s Day the national push for comprehensive immigration reform got a boost of energy as Mayor Bloomberg pledged to make immigration reform a centerpiece of his administration’s agenda. Mayor Bloomberg made the announcement during his swearing in ceremony at New York City Hall.

The Sunday before, Mayor Bloomberg made the statement, “We’re committing …

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Immigration Reform - Thirty Years Ago

Senator Goldwater Sought Immigration Reform 30 Years Ago

Don Harris of The Arizona Capitol Times recently made a keen observation about the history of immigration reform. In an article, Mr. Harris draws parallels between today’s desires for immigration reform and the desires of immigration reform put forth by Senator Goldwater thirty years ago. Many …

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Comprehensive Immigration Reform Introduced In House

Yesterday, Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) introduced legislation entitled Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity Act of 2009, or “CIR ASAP.”

The legislation has been long in coming and an overview of the legislation is available from the Immigration Policy Center. CIR ASAP is certainly not what the final version of Comprehensive Immigration Reform …

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I-9 Audits Directed at Vermont Dairy Farms

Word came down late last week that at least five Vermont Dairy Farms have been served with subpoenas from the Immigration Enforcement Agency (ICE). The subpoenas are part of an I-9 audit that is being conducted on the dairy farms. An I-9 audit is a review of a company’s documentation concerning its employee’s authorization to …

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Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Coming Soon?

Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Coming Soon?

Last night I attended a panel discussion about comprehensive immigration reform (CIR). The panelists discussed the need for immigration reform, their desires for what would be included in immigration reform, what will likely be included in immigration reform, and the big question of when comprehensive immigration reform might happen.

The …

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