A sample text widget Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa. Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna. | With 20/20 hindsight, a campaign manager for the Romney campaign acknowledged “regrets” about the campaign’s decision to outflank other Republican presidential candidates by pushing a more rigid, tough immigration stance. As the New York Times reports, it appears the campaign manager does not think it was even necessary. Perhaps the campaign didn’t think their immigration … Continue reading “Romney Campaign Manager Rethinks Immigration Position” With President Obama’s re-election, the talk of Washington, and all of the cable news channels, is the sudden need for immigration reform. As one pundit concisely explained, Democrats are now willing to work on immigration reform, and Republicans need to work on it (I am paraphrasing a bit). The writing does appear to be on … Continue reading “On the Verge of Comprehensive Immigration Reform?” While listening to the Presidential debate last night, my ears perked up when the unexpected topic of immigration came up. I say “unexpected” because it is quite rare that immigration actually comes front and center on a national broadcast meant to be watched by ALL potential voters. It is also rare for the question to … Continue reading “Holy Toledo! The Presidential Candidates Discuss Immigration!” Immigration garnered a mere paragraph or two in President Obama’s State of the Union on Tuesday night. Given the scope of the topics discussed during the speech, it wasn’t expected that immigration (or any other subject) would garner much more than a few moments of focus. However, what was surprising about President Obama’s immigration comments … Continue reading “State of the Union: Obama Concedes to No Comprehensive Immigration Reform This Year” That is probably not a question that you would expect an immigration lawyer to ask. But it is a valid question – especially now that it is being [partially] enforced. Hear me out… During the last month, the new Alabama law has been much maligned: Alabama farmers complain that their harvests are rotting in the … Continue reading “Is the Alabama Immigration Law A Good Thing?” Last week the U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security held a hearing concerning the state of high skilled immigration into the United States. Although the panel included the normal academic scholars who believe immigration needs to be sharply curtailed, most of the speakers (and all of the business leaders) told the … Continue reading “Congress Pushed On American Need For High Skilled Immigrants” The Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has announced that a Michigan diary farm and its owners have been fined $2.7 million for violating immigration laws by employing unauthorized workers. Over a period of about ten years, the farm employed about 70 unauthorized workers who provided false names and social security numbers. The owners apparently … Continue reading “Dairy Farmers Fined 2.7 Million For I-9 Violations” Another comprehensive immigration reform bill was introduced into Congress. The bill includes many different facets, including components of the DREAM Act, the AgJobs, and many enforcement provisions. Unlikely to go forward, it provides insight into the current thinking of Congressional leaders. If any immigration reform occurs this Congress, expect small, specific reforms. The bill is … Continue reading “Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act Introduced (Again)” President Obama held a special, closed door immigration meeting yesterday at the White House. The immigration meeting included about sixty leaders from throughout the country, including Mayor Bloomberg, former Governor Schwarzenegger, top police chiefs, business executives, and religious leaders. The meeting did not include Congressional leaders. The specifics of the meeting have yet to come … Continue reading “Obama Calls Immigration Meeting – Much Talk, Any Action?” President Obama’s recent comments on immigration legislation (Starting at Minute 23): On Saturday, the DREAM Act died a procedural death in the Senate. It appears that a majority of the Senators supported the Dream Act. However, before a bill can be put to a proper vote, it is a procedural requirement that it pass a cloture vote. A cloture vote requires three/fifths of voting Senators to … Continue reading “DREAM Act Dies a Procedural Death” Comprehensive Immigration Reform at the Federal Level seems to be stalled. Neither party has seriously pushed for comprehensive immigration reform in many years. What little debate about immigration that there is focuses on one tiny part of the immigration system. Out of this void at the Federal level, many local politicians and business leaders have … Continue reading “List of Political and Business Leaders Seeking Immigration Reform Keeps Growing” Two of the smartest business men in America addressed Congress’ House Judiciary Immigration Subcommittee last week about the need to fix the immigration system. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg began his testimony by stating, “Our broken system of immigration is undermining our economy, slowing our recovery, and hurting millions of Americans.” Rupert Murdoch stated, … Continue reading “NYC Mayor and Media Tycoon Address Congress On Immigration Reform” Yesterday the Senate introduced a Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill. The bill was introduced by Senators Menendez and Leahy. The purpose of the bill’s introduction is unclear. It is obvious to everyone involved that the bill is not going anywhere because elections are only a few weeks away and there will be a lame duck session … Continue reading “Senate Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill Introduced – And Going No Where” Steven Colbert was recently invited to testify before Congress concerning immigration reform and the need for an AgJobs Bill that would allow for legal status for those immigrants who help harvest America’s food. The selection of Colbert was due in part because he focused on the plight of workers and spent one day pretending to … Continue reading “Colbert Testifies Before Congress on Immigration Reform” |