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Frontline Report on Postville ICE Raid

Frontline has produced a provocative documentary that examines the lasting effects of the May 2oo8 ICE raid on a Postville, Iowa meatpacking plant. The raid resulted in over 400 arrests and has had lasting consequences.

Krispy Kreme pays $40,000 fine after I-9 Audit

Krispy Kreme, the American donut maker, has agreed to pay a $40,000 fine settlement after ICE’s I-9 audit of the company’s documentation. ICE, apparently tipped off by a local police department, found that dozens of unauthorized workers were employed at a Krispy Kreme donut factory. Krispy Kreme is just the latest of numerous companies that …

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American Apparel meets Worksite Enforcement Initiative

American Apparel, the company that prides itself on creating (skimpy) U.S. made clothing, has been notified that 1,800 of its employees may be unauthorized to work in the United States. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency claims that it cannot determine the employment eligibility of 200 employees and does not think that …

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Government Contractor E-Verify Requirement Delayed, Again

The Federal Acquisitions Regulatory Councils have again delayed the implementation of regulations that would require federal government contractors and subcontractors to use USCIS’s E-Verify system. The implementation date has been pushed back to September 8, 2009.

E-Verify is a government system that allows employers to quickly verify that new hirers are authorized to work, …

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Employer Crackdown Coming

In tune with President Obama’s primetime comments, the Department of Homeland Security has issued a revised worksite enforcement initiative overview that can best be described as a stern warning to employers of unauthorized workers. The overview explicitly states that ICE will focus its efforts on employers and will use both criminal and civil penalties …

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