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Frontline Report on Postville ICE Raid

Frontline has produced a provocative documentary that examines the lasting effects of the May 2oo8 ICE raid on a Postville, Iowa meatpacking plant. The raid resulted in over 400 arrests and has had lasting consequences.

Police Chiefs Seek Immigration Reform

Police Officers from across the country recently attended a National Summit on Local Immigration Policies. As reported by USA Today, the concencious at the meeting was that comprehensive immigration reform is needed at the national level. Moreover, many of them argued that state and local immigration enforcement often conflicts and hinders community policing.

Now, if …

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Study Finds Troubling Statistics in New York State Immigration Raids

A Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law study found a “widespread pattern of misconduct by agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement” after reviewing 700 arrest reports from predawn raids of homes in New York and New Jersey. Among other things, the study found that the ICE agents failed to obtain proper consent to enter the …

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Supreme Court Addresses Immigration Law

On Monday the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision in the immigration case Flores-Figueroa v. United States. It is not often that the Supreme Court addresses immigration law cases and many in the immigration community followed this case closely as it involved a law widely used by ICE in combating unauthorized work by …

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Employer Crackdown Coming

In tune with President Obama’s primetime comments, the Department of Homeland Security has issued a revised worksite enforcement initiative overview that can best be described as a stern warning to employers of unauthorized workers. The overview explicitly states that ICE will focus its efforts on employers and will use both criminal and civil penalties …

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Immigration in Primetime

Prompted by an AP reporter’s question, President Obama spoke about immigration reform, policy, and enforcement during his primetime press conference last night. With so much on his plate, it wasn’t surprising that President Obama didn’t mention immigration reform during his initial statement. Nevertheless, it is reassuring that President Obama promised to push for immigration reform …

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Is Change Coming to Government’s Workplace Enforcement Initiative?

The Washington Post is reporting that the Department of Homeland Security has recently delayed proposed immigration raids on U.S. workplaces. The paper reports that these delays may signal a greater change in enforcement policy, including a shift of focus towards prosecuting businesses and business officials instead of lower level employees who are unauthorized to …

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Left Hand, meet Right Hand

Last Tuesday, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents conducted a worksite raid at Yamato Engine Specialists in Bellingham, Washington. The raid resulted in the arrest of 29 foreign nationals accused of being in the United States without valid immigraiton status. Although worksite raids became common place during the Bush Administration, this raid was …

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Cardozo Students Reveal Change in ICE Enforcement Policy

Last week a Cardozo Law School professor and his students brought to light Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”) documents that show changes in ICE’s enforcement policy against individuals with outstanding deportation orders.

As reported by the New York Times, ICE had told Congress that it would focus its efforts on pursuing the most threatening …

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