A sample text widget Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa. Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna. | A recent opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal examined the US immigration policy on tracking foreign national scientists and researchers. The opinion piece was a harsh criticism of the current policy on foreign national students, stating “[i]t would be hard to invent a policy more counterproductive to our national interest.” Comprehensive Immigration Reform has … Continue reading “Wall Street Journal Opines on U.S. Immigration Policy” The economy is in need of improvement and one technologist has an idea of how to improve it. Paul Graham suggests that the single best way to improve the economy is to create a “founders” visa that would allow 10,000 foreign nationals to enter the United States to start new companies. Mr. Graham’s thought is … Continue reading “The Founder’s Visa” The New York Times recently published an article examining the problem of visa overstays and the country’s inability to keep track of those who overstay. Generally speaking, an ovestayer is someone who is granted a visa but then does not leave the country when their visa status expires. Although this is a problem that persists … Continue reading “New York Times Article about Visa Overstays” On Thursday, the New York Times reported that the USCIS had already begun the process of preparing for passage of a Comprehensive Immigration Reform act. Although many have seen this as a sign that the Administration is serious about immigration reform, many others have criticized the agency for wasting the limited resources that the agency … Continue reading “USCIS Counting their Chickens Before They Are Hatched?” Duke University researcher Vivek Wadhwa is warning that more and more highly skilled foreign nationals are giving up on their American Dreams and are returning to their home countries in search of better lives. Those foreign nationals who are returning to their home countries are leaving because of better economic opportunities available abroad and a … Continue reading “Researcher Warns of Impending Brain Drain From United States” The Cato Institute recently released a report highlighting the economic loss that the United States will incur by failing to address comprehensive immigration reform. The report determined that the United States stands to loss $80 billion a year if the United States only strengthens its immigration enforcement and fails to create comprehensive reform. If the … Continue reading “No Comprehensive Immigration Reform Will Cost US $80 Billion a Year” According to Reuters, President Obama announced on Friday that he thought Congress would pass comprehensive immigration reform “by early next year.” This admission, although realistic, is a disappointment for many immigration proponents who thought that President Obama would be able to push through immigration reform during his first year in office. As I have mentioned … Continue reading “Immigration Reform Delayed to 2010 (or beyond)” In a recent speech, Bill Gate criticised America’s immigration policy and offered a concrete example of how America’s lagging immigration policy has caused Microsoft to create jobs outside of the United States. According to the New York Times, Gates suggested that the U.S. should have exceptions for “smart people” in its immigration policy. These exceptions, … Continue reading “Bill Gates Criticises U.S. Immigration Policy” Police Officers from across the country recently attended a National Summit on Local Immigration Policies. As reported by USA Today, the concencious at the meeting was that comprehensive immigration reform is needed at the national level. Moreover, many of them argued that state and local immigration enforcement often conflicts and hinders community policing. Now, if … Continue reading “Police Chiefs Seek Immigration Reform” The AP is reporting that Senator Chuck Schumer, Immigration Subcommittee Chairman, believes that there will be a “good [immigration] bill by Labor Day.” The Senior Senator from New York also believes that an immigration bill can be done by the end of the year or by early next year. Comprehensive Immigration Reform is something of … Continue reading “Schumer: Immigration Bill by Labor Day.” Yesterday President Obama met with key members of Congress to discuss moving immigration reform legislation forward. Although President Obama’s comments were very promising, comments made by his Chief of Staff were not. Earlier in the day, Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel commented that there were not enough votes in Congress to pass a comprehensive … Continue reading “White House Conference on Immigration Reform” Two stories crossed my desk recently that remind me what consequences the United States’ bureaucratic immigration process has on humans. First there is the case of Diane Williams, who was recently deported to Honduras following her drug-related arrest in the United States. Although not a model citizen, Ms. Williams is a U.S. Citizen. Despite … Continue reading “Humans Caught in Immigration Bureaucracy” Adding to the already contentious debate surrounding Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Senator Leahy introduced a bill to the Senate that would allow for gay couples to receive the same immigration rights as married, heterosexual couples currently possess. Currently, gay couples – even those legally married in their home state – are unable to obtain immigration … Continue reading “Bill Introduced to Give Gay Couples Immigration Rights” Testifying before a Senate subcommittee, former Federal Reserve Chief Alan Greenspan said that immigration reform was “badly needed” and that the United States should allow more skilled and unskilled workers into the United States. Greenspan’s testimony also emphasised that an increase in workers into the United States would improve America’s work productivity while only slightly … Continue reading “Greenspan on Immigration Reform” Prompted by an AP reporter’s question, President Obama spoke about immigration reform, policy, and enforcement during his primetime press conference last night. With so much on his plate, it wasn’t surprising that President Obama didn’t mention immigration reform during his initial statement. Nevertheless, it is reassuring that President Obama promised to push for immigration reform … Continue reading “Immigration in Primetime” |