A sample text widget Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa. Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna. | Yesterday, New York City Mayor Bloomberg announced that the joint team of Cornell University and Technion – Israeli Institute of Technology had won the city’s competition to develop a world-class technological institute on Roosevelt Island. It is hoped that it will be a catalyst to creating new and innovative companies in the New York City … Continue reading “Cornell, Technion, and New York City Get It, Will the U.S. Government?” Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs are pursuing a “you-can’t-make-this-up” hack to the notoriously difficult U.S. immigration system. In an attempt to allow more foreign nationals to contribute to Silicon Valley, a group is seeking to buy a cruise ship and convert it into a floating campus of entrepreneurs who will live on international waters off the coast … Continue reading “Keeping Immigrants At Sea” A couple nights ago ABC News ran a report about how the creator of CruiseWise.com was denied a visa even though his company had been named one of the “20 Hot Silicon Valley Startups You Need to Watch,” and had hired nine Americans (and expected to hire many more in the near future). The reason … Continue reading “USCIS Quickly Changes Course When ABC News Gets Involved” New York Immigration attorney Chris Gafner’s most recent article, “How USCIS Can Help the United States Win the Global Competition for the Best and Brightest” was recently included as part of the National Foundation for American Policy’s legal brief, Reforming America’s Regulations and Policies on Employment-Based Immigration. Given the general lack of action towards legislative … Continue reading “How USCIS Can Help the United States Win the Global Competition for the Best and Brightest” Immigrant Professor and Researcher Ei-ichi Negishi has won the 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Professor Negishi is an immigrant from Japan who has been in the United States since the 1960s. Professor Negishi obtained a Ph.D. from the University of Penn., and has been a professor at Syracuse University and Purdue University for nearly five … Continue reading “Immigrant Professor Wins Nobel Prize in Chemistry” The United Farm Workers have started an ingenious campaign to help U.S. workers find work in the agricultural sector. Are you unemployed? Do you need a job? Are you willing to work? The United Farm Workers will help you find work on its website. One Warning: Job may include using hand tools such as knives, … Continue reading “Need a Job? Take Our Jobs Campaign” U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack recently stated that the U.S. has three options when it comes to food prices and immigration. Pay substantially more for food if more unauthorized workers are removed from the United States Import substantially more food from outside of the country (and worry more about food safety and contamination) if … Continue reading “Immigration Reform and Food Prices Are Linked” A new analysis of Census data tends to rebuke the common misconception that almost all foreign nationals who immigrant to the United States are low earning blue collar workers. Instead, the data shows that are rather large portion of immigrants to the United States are highly-educated white collar workers. What is more, those cities that … Continue reading “Data Shows That Cities with Thriving Immigrant Populations Tend to Prosper The Most” The Startup visa, which has been discussed previously, would allow for the expansion of the EB-5 visa category to include more foreign national entrepreneurs to come to the United States and start a company that would create American jobs. However, one of the bills in the House that would create a Startup visa has drawn … Continue reading “Is Government Oversight Standing in the Way of Startup Visa Success?” A few days ago, New York Times writer Thomas Friedman wrote a thoughtful editorial discussing how immigration has enhanced America’s entrepreneurial growth. More importantly, Mr. Friedman asked Congress to stop messing around and actually pass pragmatic immigration reform. Now, will Congress only listen? Last week the Bloom Box was officially unveiled to the world. If its proponents are correct, the Bloom Box will radically redefine how America (and the World) gets its electrical energy. The creator of the Bloom Box is K.R. Sridhar and if you listen to him on 60 Minutes, you will know why some are … Continue reading “Is This Immigrant The Next Thomas Edison?” Seth Hoy of Immigration Impact recently discussed the benefits that Immigrants have, and can, bring to the Rust Belt’s economy. Rust Belt states have been in decline for many years, however, with the proper immigration system, the Rust Belt could reverse its decline and become economically viable again. Last February the U.S. military instituted a pilot program to allow for certain temporary immigrants to enter into the Armed Forces in key, strategically important positions. The program has been a great success and will hopefully expand in the coming years. Over a thousand recruits have enlisted through the program. The program allows for foreign … Continue reading “Military Immigrant Program a Success” Dr. Raúl Hinojosa-Ojeda of the University of California-Los Angeles recently released the report, Raising the Floor for American Workers: The Economic Benefits of Comprehensive Immigration Reform. The report concludes that America would stand to gain at least $1.5 trillion in added Gross Domestic Product over ten years. Additionally, the report states that comprehensive immigration reform … Continue reading “New Report Shows Economic Benefits of CIR” by Alison More an idea than a location, Silicon Valley is a culture of risk and reward – go hard, go fast, go for broke. If you succeed, you reap the rewards – if you falter, you start anew with a different idea. This mindset is capitalism at its best and has garnered America … Continue reading “Silicon Valley to Congress: We Need Startup Visa” |