What is Comprehensive Immigration Reform?
Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) is often discussed in main stream media and on this website (here and here). Many believe that CIR will occur this year and Congress and the President are gearing up to address the issue.
But one simple question – what is CIR? No one knows exactly what will be in a CIR law – if it successfully becomes law. The following is a list of many of the topics that may be addressed in CIR:
E-verify: Any CIR will probably expand the federal government’s e-verify program. The legislation will probably also effectively do away with local and state laws that are attempting to usurp the federal power to control immigration.
Promotion of Family Unity: CIR will most likely address the significant backlog of immigration cases that causes families to be divided for months and years at a time.
Startup Visa: Should the United States create a visa (or modify an existing visa) to facilitate the entrance into the United States of highly skilled foreign nationals who will start companies and create American jobs? Many think the US should.
Border Security: How can the United States improve its border security? Any CIR will have increased border security measures. The immigration reform of 1986 failed to effectively address this concern and lawmakers do not want to repeat the mistakes of 1986.
Undocumented Foreign Nationals: What should the United States do with the undocumented foreign nationals that already reside in the United States? This question is just one part of what comprehensive immigration reform could be. Unfortunately, it gets the most media attention and has the possibility of drowning out rational discussion about improving other parts of the immigration system.
This is just a short list of what may be included in CIR. Please contact your representatives and tell them what you want in Comprehensive Immigration Reform.