A sample text widget Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa. Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna. | The Department of Homeland Security has finalized its change of fees for immigration petitions. Effective November 23, 2010, the following fees will be in effect: Application/Petition Description Current Fees Proposed Fees I-90 Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card $290 $365 I-102 Application for Replacement/Initial Nonimmigrant Arrival-Departure Document $320 $330 I-129 Petition for a Nonimmigrant worker … Continue reading “USCIS Fees To Rise November 23, 2010” Steven Colbert was recently invited to testify before Congress concerning immigration reform and the need for an AgJobs Bill that would allow for legal status for those immigrants who help harvest America’s food. The selection of Colbert was due in part because he focused on the plight of workers and spent one day pretending to … Continue reading “Colbert Testifies Before Congress on Immigration Reform” Are U.S. Consulates targeting K-1 fiance visas? That is a recent allegation made by many couples and their immigration attorneys who have seen a more hostile approach taken by Consulates when interviewing foreign national fiances and fiancees. Whether or not the K-1 Visa is being targeted is difficult to discern. What is not difficult to … Continue reading “Are Consulates Targeting K-1 Fiance Visas?” When President Obama entered the White House it was thought by many immigration advocates that now might actually be the time when comprehensive immigration reform (CIR) might become a reality. Advocates were especially optimistic with President Obama’s party controlling both the House and the Senate. Yet, nearly two years into the Obama Administration, no major … Continue reading “President Obama Wants Congress to Act, Not Willing to Use Administrative Powers” The USCIS recently released naturalization statistics for fiscal year 2009. The statistics show that 743,715 applications were received by the immigration agency. This is a decrease from 1,046,539 in fiscal year 2008. Most of the applicants came from Mexico, India, Philippines, China and Vietnam. Additionally, most of the applications were filed in: California, New York, … Continue reading “Naturalization Statistics for Fiscal Year 2009” It is being reported that the Immigration & Customs Enforcement Agency is set to issue 500 employer audits in the next week. Employer audits are the in vogue method for the government to ensure employers are properly monitoring their new hires through I-9 and e-verification. Employers must verify that each new hire is authorized to … Continue reading “ICE Set To Issue 500 Employer Audits in Next Week” The USCIS and the National Park Service have extended their agreement to hold many naturalization ceremonies at national parks throughout the United States. Around New York City, naturalization ceremonies will be held on Ellis Island. These ceremonies will not happen daily, but will instead be held on special days, such as Constitution Day, Independence Day, … Continue reading “USCIS To Offer Naturalization Ceremonies At National Parks” As previously mentioned, earlier this year Gov. Paterson created the immigration pardon board for noncitizens who have been convicted of a crime and now face the possibility of immigration consequences. Gov. Paterson introduced this board by highlighting that New York State believes in renewal and rehabilitation. Gov. Paterson also mentions that immigration law is sometimes … Continue reading “New York State’s Immigration Pardon Board” A Washington Post article recently quoted Stephen C. Goss, the Chief Actuary of the Social Security Administration, as stating that undocumented immigrants have contributed between $120 billion and $240 billion to the Social Security Administration. This contribution is made without any likelihood that any of these immigrants will ever receive any benefits. In other words, … Continue reading “Unauthorized Immigrants Contribute $120-240 Billion to Social Security System” The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is establishing a single, multi-agency database that includes all immigrant data. The database will be searchable by government officials and will allow immigration officials to more easily detect fraud by those seeking to gain immigration benefits. The new database will be a mirror copy of existing DHS databases, and … Continue reading “Faster Immigration Security Checks Coming Soon?” The New York State Education Department recently sent a memorandum to school districts reminding them that it is inappropriate for them to ask for information or documentation about a student’s immigration status. The memorandum was written by the Department’s attorneys and references a 1982 Supreme Court Decision that recognized the right of all children to … Continue reading “NY Schools Reminded What Not To Ask” The Department of Homeland Security has released its Yearbook of Immigration Statistics for 2009. Each year the DHS issues the yearbook that is filled with statistical information, including the annual number of immigrants who obtain permanent resdiency, the country of origin for those permanent residents, and the location in the United States were the permanent … Continue reading “DHS Issues Yearbook of Immigration Statistics” Hollywood is getting annoyed with USCIS. In the last few years, the entertainment industry has noticed increasingly harsh standards being applied to its employees who are seeking to obtain O-1 visas and P visas. The annoyance has reached such a level that the Director of USCIS has agreed to look into the adjudication of these … Continue reading “Hollywood Seeks Consistency From USCIS on O Visas” |