A sample text widget Etiam pulvinar consectetur dolor sed malesuada. Ut convallis euismod dolor nec pretium. Nunc ut tristique massa. Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna. | As has been previously mentioned on this blog, American Apparel has fired many of its employees after receiving notice from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that it had found irregularities in their employment authorization documentation. Today, the New York Times has produced a comprehensive article that examines the firings from many different sides, including the … Continue reading “American Apparel’s I-9 Compliance Issues Revisited” As reported by ABC, the FBI is worried about corruption among Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents who are letting unauthorized individuals into the country in exchange for bribes. In one shocking instance, the FBI caught a CBP agent allowing a tractor trailer of unauthorized individuals into the country after a bribe of $100,000. Let’s … Continue reading “FBI Worries about Corrupt CBP Officials” Recently it was reported that the USCIS was facing a 118 million dollar shortfall. The shortfall is blamed on the drastic decrease in immigration petitions submitted. The USCIS is searching for ways to eliminate the shortfall – and as you might expect – one of the rumored possibilities is increased application fees. This after a … Continue reading “More Fee Increases?” The New York Times is reporting that the owners of Yamato Engine Specialists 1990 Ltd. have been ordered to pay a $100,000 for hiring unauthorized workers. The owners will, however, not be jailed. This company was one of the first companies to face an ICE Workplace enforcement investigation after President Obama was inauguated. Since ICE … Continue reading “Washington Company Pays $100,000 After I-9 Compliance Enforcement” Duke University researcher Vivek Wadhwa is warning that more and more highly skilled foreign nationals are giving up on their American Dreams and are returning to their home countries in search of better lives. Those foreign nationals who are returning to their home countries are leaving because of better economic opportunities available abroad and a … Continue reading “Researcher Warns of Impending Brain Drain From United States” Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is continuing his department’s push to eliminate unscrupulous immigration agencies that are offering unauthorized immigration services to unsuspecting immigrants. The Attorney General issued 30 subpeonas against organizations suspected of offering unauthorized services to the New York State population. These 30 subpoenas are on top of subpoenas that his department had previously … Continue reading “New York Attorney General Continues Battle Against Immigration Service Scams” Today, the US Citizenship and Immigration Service is launching a newly designed website that is meant to be “customer-centric” and a “one-stop shop” for immigration information. The initiative to redesign the site came directly from President Obama who promised on June 25th, 2009 that, “In the next 90 days, USCIS will launch a vastly improved … Continue reading “New USCIS Website Design” The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Agency recently announced that a Missouri poultry processing plant has paid a $450,000 fine after a 2007 ICE raid of the plant found 136 unauthorized employees. In addition to the nearly half million dollar fine, the company was also required to develop an I-9 Compliance program that complied … Continue reading “Poultry Processing Plant Pays $450,000 Fine After I-9 Investigation” Today, the New York Times offered an editorial suggesting that the United States Government should end the barring of certain foreign national intellectuals due to their political positions. One wonders if the Govenrment will listen. The Counsel of Graduate Schools recently released a press release reporting that the number of foreign national students that have been offered admission to U.S. Graduate Schools has declined by 3% between 2008 and 2009. The decline is the first in five years. The National Council of La Raza released a report on Friday documenting that the number of naturalization applications from last year was down 62% compared to the year before. Two contributing factors to this decrease are the downturn in the economy and the drastic increase in naturalization fees from $330 to $595. The number of … Continue reading “Applications for Naturalization Down 62%” Yesterday I blogged about the recent resignation of the would-be leader of the federal government’s effort to reform the immigration detention center system. Today, i simple point to a New York Times’ article that demonstrates why the detention center system needs to be reformed. Unexpected and disheartening to many immigration advocates, Dr. Dora Schriro has stepped down from her position as the leading federal government official responsible for reforming the nation’s immigration detention centers. Dr. Schriro was selected for this position merely a month ago when the administration announced that it was seeking to reform the hodgepodge of immigrant … Continue reading “Newly Appointed Architect of Detention Center Reorganization Steps Down” Federal Contractors and sub-contractors are reminded that today, September 8, 2009, is the deadline that the Immigration Service has set for requiring participation in the E-verify program. The E-verify program allows for employers to check the work authorization status of new hires to ensure that no unauthorized individuals are employed. For more information, please visit … Continue reading “Reminder that Today is Deadline for Federal Contractors to Use E-verify” American Apparel is bracing for fines that appear to be forthcoming because of its employment of unauthorized workers. … Continue reading “American Apparel Braces for Fines After Immigration Probe” |